Senior Care
Press Release: Next Steps in Minimizing COVID-19 Risk for the Construction Industry

MONTEREY, CA – Today, Hayward Score released additional safety recommendations that should be adopted on construction jobsites: increasing indoor ventilation and managing dust. “COVID-19 is an opportunity for the building industry to...



September 15, 2020

Senior Care
Lessons From Florence Nightingale (part 1)

The COVID-19 pandemic is at the top of everyone’s mind, both by public health mandate and for personal survival. COVID-19 is called a “novel” coronavirus...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Lessons from Florence Nightingale (part 3)

Florence Nightingale emphasized community and home as the third factor for health and healing. Modern life makes this challenging because of how neighborhoods and cities are structured...



May 6, 2020

Senior Care
Lessons from Florence Nightingale (part 2)

Florence Nightingale’s world no longer exists but her insights are as true today as they were during her lifetime. She would have advised us on how to implement her fundamentals of health during this crisis: fresh air, direct sunlight, and community.....



May 6, 2020

Senior Care
Hayward Score Advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The COVID-19 virus has many similarities with the other corona-type viruses, plus those for the common cold and the flu. Therefore, routine preventive measures for those also apply to COVID-19. However, COVID-19 also has critically important differences......



May 4, 2020

Senior Care
Cook Up a Healthier New Year!

The new year is a great time to start practicing new, and healthier, habits and the kitchen is a great place to start!For many people, cooking “healthfully”...........



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
The Problem with Petri Dishes (for Mold Testing)

When you notice or suspect mold somewhere in your home it isn’t uncommon to want to test your home and get some concrete...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Quick Tips for a Healthy Dorm Room

Heading back to college? Here are some tips on keeping a healthy dorm room!...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Removing Mold Odor From Car Ventilation

The first clue that something may be off with your car’s ventilation system is usually odor.A “musty” odor typically indicates mold while an “old sweat sock....



May 5, 2020

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These blogs aim to enhance life for seniors

Senior Care
Healthy aging: tips for seniors to maintain a balanced lifestyle

This blog post can offer practical advice on healthy aging, covering topics such as nutrition, exercise.


Miranda Lebenstain

March 11, 2024

Senior Care
Choosing the right option for your needs

This post can provide an overview of the various levels of senior care available, such as independent living.


Sam Brook

May 18, 2022

Senior Care
Enhancing safety and independence

This blog post can explore the latest technological advancements that are revolutionizing senior care.


Miranda Lebenstain

May 18, 2022

Senior Care
Support and self-care for family caregivers

This post can address the challenges faced by family caregivers, offering guidance on managing caregiver stress.


Jerry Twist

April 1, 2022

Get Your Hayward Score, for Free.

Hayward Score identifies the major issues in your home that can impact your health and gives you personalized actionable recommendations to fix them!