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Senior Care
Increase Filtration with a DIY Filtered Box Fan

Air cleaners (also called air purifiers) can be an important tool for reducing your exposure to airborne particulate matter and thereby reducing the health risks associated with that exposure. This can be helpful for both COVID-19 and wildfire smoke/odor.



October 1, 2020

Senior Care
COVID-19: Dos and Don'ts for a Healthy Home

Your home is the foundation for good physical and emotional health. Now that many people are finding themselves, and their families...



May 11, 2020

Senior Care
Lessons from Florence Nightingale (part 3)

Florence Nightingale emphasized community and home as the third factor for health and healing. Modern life makes this challenging because of how neighborhoods and cities are structured...



May 6, 2020

Senior Care
Healthy Home, Healthy Occupants: Managing COVID-19 Challenges

The Hayward Score team joined Bob Krell from Healthy Indoors for a special 90-minute episode focused on managing COVID-19 challenges with a healthy home...



May 18, 2020

Senior Care
Lessons from Florence Nightingale (part 2)

Florence Nightingale’s world no longer exists but her insights are as true today as they were during her lifetime. She would have advised us on how to implement her fundamentals of health during this crisis: fresh air, direct sunlight, and community.....



May 6, 2020

Senior Care
Hayward Score Advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The COVID-19 virus has many similarities with the other corona-type viruses, plus those for the common cold and the flu. Therefore, routine preventive measures for those also apply to COVID-19. However, COVID-19 also has critically important differences......



May 4, 2020

Senior Care
Lessons From Florence Nightingale (part 1)

The COVID-19 pandemic is at the top of everyone’s mind, both by public health mandate and for personal survival. COVID-19 is called a “novel” coronavirus...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Hear from Bill Hayward: Make Healthy Home Choices - Boston Globe

Read what Hayward Score Founder and CEO Bill Hayward had to say in the Boston Globe in this excerpt from: Some building materials introduce.....



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
9 Easy Things to Help Take Control of Your Indoor Air Quality

Whether you own or rent, are in a home for a short time or it is your “forever” home there are simple, inexpensive things you can do to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ). Research shows that good IAQ can be a contributor to good health, so taking steps......



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
"Clean" Shouldn't Smell!

A home that is both clean and healthy not only has no musty smells from mold, off-odors from pet hair or accumulated dust, but also no added chemical “fragrances" from cleaning products........



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Cook Up a Healthier New Year!

The new year is a great time to start practicing new, and healthier, habits and the kitchen is a great place to start!For many people, cooking “healthfully”...........



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
5 More Things to Improve Home Health Today!

Since you spend about 90% of your time indoors, the air you breathe inside is really important – especially if someone in your home has asthma or allergies. Making your home healthier for you and for your family, doesn’t have to involve...



May 4, 2020

Senior Care
Environmental Pollutants and Breast Cancer: How to Limit Exposure

In 2017, Silent Spring Institute published a review of 158 observational studies of pollutants conducted..........



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Quick Tips for a Healthy Dorm Room

Heading back to college? Here are some tips on keeping a healthy dorm room!...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Removing Mold Odor From Car Ventilation

The first clue that something may be off with your car’s ventilation system is usually odor.A “musty” odor typically indicates mold while an “old sweat sock....



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Houses are filled with chemical additives. Here’s how to find healthier materials.

By Roy FurchgottIt is nearly impossible to avoid chemical additives in your home — they lurk in flooring, paint, fabric, wood and tile...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Heal Your Home (and Yourself)

Hayward Score's Bill and Adriana Hayward are featured in the July/August issue of HauteLiving SF! Read about how their personal journey...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
The Health Impact of Scented Candles

. Why? Because those scented candles might produce a pleasant scent; but they also come with very real health risks.The Harmful Toxins in Scented...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Finding a Healthy Rental: 10 Things To Look For!

. While it is impossible to guarantee that any home is completely free of issues, here are ten things to pay attention to when you are looking at properties.1. Odors...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Asthma Season is Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall

When your child has asthma, it’s rough. Every changing season can play havoc with their symptoms, as climate...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
6 Steps to Minimize Dust at Home

Dust is a common sight in any home, and it naturally gathers on top of shelves, tables, or counters as the days pass. It can be made up of many different kinds of particles including pollen...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Managing Asthma Through Integrated Pest Management

Pests can range from a nuisance to a serious health concern. They can carry disease-causing microorganisms and parasites, create odors, and can damage the structure of a building.



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Ask an Expert: Asbestos

The presence of asbestos is not obvious because it is not used as a material by itself like wood, metal, or lead-based paint. Asbestos is almost always part of another material. Which is why it is correctly referred to as "asbestos-containing material" (ACM). According to the EPA, typical asbestos-containing materials in houses include...



May 5, 2020

Senior Care
Lead Dust Testing Outside?

I was sitting on my porch in San Francisco watching kids play on the wooden deck and started to wonder, “is the dust on my porch contaminated with lead dust?



April 23, 2020

Senior Care
Make How you Cook as Healthy as What you Cook

Many people are aware of the benefits of keeping what they eat and drink free of chemicals, including pesticides, mercury, and BPA. In addition to eating organic and drinking filtered water, to optimize your health, you should also take care to...



May 4, 2020

Senior Care
Is Your House Making You Sick?

The symptoms most commonly reported by those affected by a “sick house” are many and varied, depending on the sensitivity of the person and the severity of the issues in the home. Common symptoms usually fall into a few broad categories....



May 4, 2020

Senior Care
Is Indoor Air Worsening Your Asthma?

Asthma is a serious, sometimes life-threatening chronic respiratory disease that affects the quality of life for, including an estimated seven million children...



March 28, 2019

Senior Care
5 Things to Improve Home Health Today!

The air you breathe is as important as the food you eat to keeping your body and mind healthy. There are lots of easy things you can do to make your indoor air healthier. Even small changes can make a difference so try something today!...



May 4, 2020

Senior Care
Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors in your Home

Many people are aware of the benefits of keeping what they eat and drink free of chemicals, including pesticides, mercury, and BPA. In addition to eating organic and drinking filtered water, to optimize your health, you should also...



May 4, 2020


These blogs aim to enhance life for seniors

Senior Care
Healthy aging: tips for seniors to maintain a balanced lifestyle

This blog post can offer practical advice on healthy aging, covering topics such as nutrition, exercise.


Miranda Lebenstain

March 11, 2024

Senior Care
Choosing the right option for your needs

This post can provide an overview of the various levels of senior care available, such as independent living.


Sam Brook

May 18, 2022

Senior Care
Enhancing safety and independence

This blog post can explore the latest technological advancements that are revolutionizing senior care.


Miranda Lebenstain

May 18, 2022

Senior Care
Support and self-care for family caregivers

This post can address the challenges faced by family caregivers, offering guidance on managing caregiver stress.


Jerry Twist

April 1, 2022

Get Your Hayward Score, for Free.

Hayward Score identifies the major issues in your home that can impact your health and gives you personalized actionable recommendations to fix them!