Senior Care
Ask An Expert: Duct Cleaning

Duct cleaning is an important part of removing dust and debris from the forced air distribution ducting in homes. The routine maintenance for duct cleaning can vary from 3-4 years to as long as 10-15 years....



April 11, 2019

Senior Care
Healthy Tips for Better Sleep

During the night your brain goes through wave cycles, which flush the chemicals you’re exposed to in the day. Your immune system wants to reset itself...



July 8, 2019

Senior Care
A Mother’s Fight for a Healthy Home

Even as a doctor and a mother, the thought that a home could make my family sick was not on my radar screen in 2008, when we bought our dream home by the beach in California...



March 27, 2019

Senior Care
Is Your Dishwasher Impacting Your Indoor Air Quality?

Dishwashers “clean” with high water temperatures and heat during drying cycles which can result in temperatures of 160º or more. The heat causes any pollutants or VOCs present to vaporize and get released into your home as steam. Visible steam usually dissipates a few inches from the dishwasher, but the invisible VOCs travel throughout your home...



April 1, 2019

Senior Care
Decluttering for a Healthy Home

Tidying is having a(nother) moment right now in part due to Marie Kondo’s new show on Netflix. The new show has pushed people to reconsider their tidying habits...



August 2, 2019

Senior Care
Vacuuming Isn't One Size Fits All

The first step in choosing a vacuum is to identify your personal needs. What kind of flooring or carpet do you have? What is the age of your carpet?...



March 25, 2019

Senior Care
Stormy Outdoors, Sick Indoors

Cold, stormy days may keep the family indoors – sometimes even without power! While it may be a great day to catch up on projects while the kids (and pets) play, it is also the kind of day when we hunker down with closed windows. When we start to not feel well, we blame it on the changing weather...



January 21, 2019

Senior Care
The Basics of What Makes a Home Healthy

It comes as a surprise to most people that the air inside their home isn’t always “fresh air.” The air inside your home is a concentrated mixture of what is outside of your home (including pollution and pollen) plus what comes up from your basement or crawlspace, through your heating/cooling systems, and through all the hidden cracks and crevices....



March 26, 2019

Senior Care
The Great Construction Dust Up

While it is true that you can see some dust – like chunks of sawdust (90 microns) and barely visible house dust (20 microns) – more than 98% of all dust in the air is much smaller...



March 28, 2019

Senior Care
Choosing The Right Air Filter For Your Furnace

While changing your filter 3-4 times a year is typically sufficient, you may need to change more frequently if you are in an area that has poor air quality – such as areas impacted by a wildfire...



July 22, 2019

Senior Care
Ask an Expert: Getting Rid of "New" Construction Smell

The "new construction smell" you are asking about is the combination of the entire mixture of chemicals "evaporating" from new paint, sealants, flooring, sheetrock, wood, and other building materials. They are properly called VOCs – Volatile Organic Compounds...



March 15, 2019

Senior Care
Air Pollution: Our Bodies Feel the Difference

Most articles about air pollution and health focus on conditions in third world countries, where people cook by burning wood or animal dung over an open flame, creating heavy smoke inside their homes with too little ventilation. In other words, we...



June 6, 2018

Senior Care
Stormy Outside, Sick Inside: How to Stay Healthy During a Storm

Cold, stormy days may keep the family indoors – sometimes even without power! While it may be a great day to catch up on projects while the kids (and pets) play, it is also the kind of day when we hunker down with closed windows. When we start to not feel well, we blame it on the changing weather...



March 21, 2019

Senior Care
Breathing Well During Wildfire Season

In many parts of the United States, wildfires can cause widespread damage and impact health. The smoky and ashy conditions during wildfires, and the windy conditions after wildfires, pose health risks for everyone, especially for children, older adults, and...



September 30, 2019

Senior Care
Study Reveals What Brings Healthy Home Issues Top of Mind

A 2016 research study from the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University explored healthy home concerns and behaviors among American homeowners and renters. One specific topic that they explored was how people discovered issues...



February 6, 2020

Senior Care
Power Out? Use Generators with Caution!

In the wake of disasters, people who lose electricity often turn to fuel-powered devices to cool or heat their homes or cook their food. While having a generator can be a great help while power is out, gas-powered generators need to be used safely...



September 20, 2019

Senior Care
Clean Doesn't Smell!

Here is what clean should really smell like: nothing. Clean does not have a scent! A really clean and healthy home not only has no musty smell from mold or mildew, off-odors from pet hair or accumulated dust, but also no chemical...



February 6, 2020

Senior Care
Research shows Owners' and Renters' Healthy Home Concerns

Yesterday we mentioned research by the Joint Center for Housing Studies (2016) that explored what caused people to think that something in their home was making them sick. That same study also explored healthy home concerns and behaviors...



February 6, 2020

Senior Care
Can plants clean your indoor air? Not really.

While some green plants may help you breathe easier by making your space a little cheerier, they do nothing to mitigate poor air quality and the unintended side effects of some energy-efficient homes like reduced airflow and ventilation...



November 8, 2019

Senior Care
Ozone 101



February 6, 2020

No items found.

These blogs aim to enhance life for seniors

Senior Care
Healthy aging: tips for seniors to maintain a balanced lifestyle

This blog post can offer practical advice on healthy aging, covering topics such as nutrition, exercise.


Miranda Lebenstain

March 11, 2024

Senior Care
Choosing the right option for your needs

This post can provide an overview of the various levels of senior care available, such as independent living.


Sam Brook

May 18, 2022

Senior Care
Enhancing safety and independence

This blog post can explore the latest technological advancements that are revolutionizing senior care.


Miranda Lebenstain

May 18, 2022

Senior Care
Support and self-care for family caregivers

This post can address the challenges faced by family caregivers, offering guidance on managing caregiver stress.


Jerry Twist

April 1, 2022

Get Your Hayward Score, for Free.

Hayward Score identifies the major issues in your home that can impact your health and gives you personalized actionable recommendations to fix them!